On January 14, 2019, a production team of the project came to the site of the Tong´an project of Suzhou Licheng real estate to shoot the short film of the annual meeting warm-up. The director, director and photographer visited the construction site under the guidance of Party A´s staff and selected suitable shooting scenes. After the rain, the construction site is particularly muddy. After the exploration, the original white shoes have become black shoes, covered with mud. In the shooting, there are two scenes that need to be carried out on the building platform. The only way to the platform is a long and steep staircase built up by iron pipes, as well as raised steel bars. Therefore, the photographic equipment needs to be transported back and forth one by one, over and over again. The unfavorable factors encountered on the spot increase the difficulty of shooting, and photographers need to pay attention not to trip over the debris at their feet when shooting. The weather is too cold, the intimate Party A accompanied the staff to prepare milk tea for the shooting team. But we are all concentrating on our work, and we can´t afford to drink it. Instead, it has become a "warm hand treasure", more like a "warm heart treasure". The on-site internship photographer in charge of lighting, holding up the lamp, standing in the cold wind, with his eyes following the photographer, earnestly learning to shoot.
For details, click:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NzQ5NTcxMg==&tempkey=OTkyX01FT2puRjI3UmlnbDhQTDNJTVZJNjZnSmxCaU5hTldFbXFfN0tXcjV2YmdCOFJ1U1JXS2RTMUh1Vnl3RjkxcGFlV2poVnZTSDJOY21OM3NQaHVYY1k4UmxDTVVhTjAzUkJrWGdTcXQ3ajlCRDRZZFZHd3FfSThyTjQ2aTNOd2s4SVRHcGpTU0VrQnR3UnJ2cUlDNklOa1JtN19rOEhuZVRIei0tUWd%2Bfg%3D%3D&chksm=3ee20ca5099585b34f307eb75a440e882857cf5a8d0b883b43f9796c0a0600039d4edbd69f5b#rd